Arizona State Parks and Trails has launched the 2023 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation (SCORP) public survey. Every five years, the SCORP must be updated. This plan gathers information and recommendations to guide the management and funding priorities for outdoor recreation in Arizona. Please make your voice heard.
If you participate in outdoor recreation in the state of Arizona, please take the survey. The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and is available in English and Spanish on the Arizona State Parks and Trails website ( ).
Public participation by Arizonans over the age of 18 is vitally important. Arizona State Parks and Trails is collecting feedback from user groups, the general public, stakeholders, advocates, and recreation providers to develop outdoor recreation priorities for the state for the next five years . These priorities will inform grant criteria to guide the distribution of state and federal monies to non-profits like SDMB that can aid in the acquisition, development and maintenance of outdoor recreation sites.
The survey will be active through December 2021.
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