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Mission and Statement of Purpose

Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists is a volunteer-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of the sport of mountain bicycling, and view the sport as a vehicle to promote low impact outdoor recreation, conservation, and mountain bicycling opportunities that are environmentally and socially responsible. SDMB is dedicated to protecting and enhancing mountain bicycling opportunities through:

Providing fun, safe bicycling experiences and social events for the bicycling community, and at the same time using these events as an opportunity to educate and encourage riders. 

Promoting responsible riding, ethical behavior, and diversity among the mountain bicycling community through example, education and encouragement of riders.

Working in concert with land managers and owners to protect, improve, and to build sustainable trails and facilities to accommodate growth in the area.

Working with other user groups to ensure a quality trail experience for all users.

The Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists educate, advocate, build and maintain sustainable trails for public access.

Code of Ethics

As members of Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists, we represent the mountain biking community, and it is important that our external and internal relationships advance, rather than hinder, the image of mountain bikers. To that end, we ask that all club members agree to the following four principles:

SDMB Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Nat Gordon


Ruth Cañamar

Vice-President & Chair -

Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion,

Nomination Committee

Bert Ehrmann



Vacant as of March 2025. Email if interested in applying

Directors At Large

Dave Slagle

Chair - Events Committee


Jenny Quijada

Member - Events Committee and
Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion

Noe Gamez

Chair-Trail Love Committtee. Events Committee

Natasha Ivanov

Member - Events Committee,  Membership
Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion.

Michael Dematties

Chair - IT and Membership Ops

Leif Abrell

Member - Trail Love, Events and Outreach Diversity and Inclusion

Mike Mucker

Member - Trail Loves Corps and Events

Board of Directors & Executive Committee

  • Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors is chaired by the President and is comprised of the various Directors and Board Members with full voting rights. The Board of Directors meets quarterly on the third Wednesday of the month. The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for overseeing all operational effort SDMB performs in service of its mission.

  • Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee is chaired by the President. It is tasked with ensuring the Board is operating smoothly and efficiently within the scope of SDMB’s mission and purpose. It acts as a judiciary body should the need arise, recommending removal of Board and Committee Members should they be found to be non-compliant with any policies or procedures. Any action proposed will be recommended to the Board for a vote.

    The Executive Committee is composed of the President, Vice-President, Historian/Secretary, Treasurer and Past President. 

  • Directors At Large

    Directors at large may be appointed by majority vote of board with a minimum of a one year commitment. Unless agreed upon through majority vote by the board, there is a 5-year term limit

  • Board of Director Expectations

    • Make every reasonable effort to attend all regularly scheduled board meetings. If a board member is unable to attend, that person should email the president in advance.
    • Consistent non-attendance at scheduled board meetings may result in being asked to leave the board.
    • Active participation in email discussions via the Slack email list and committee channels.
    • Active participation in at least one committee or working group.
    • Active participation in volunteer events or social events. 
    • Active participation in outreach efforts, member recruitment, and fundraising.
    • There is no specific minimum annual contribution for Directors, but Directors are encouraged to provide financial support in whatever capacity they can.

Standing Committees

SDMB has several committees tasked with portions of the organization’s operational work.

  • Nomination Committee

    Ruth Cañamar, chair

    The Nomination Committee is chaired by the Vice President and is tasked with evaluating current Board structure and function and recruiting new Board Members to fill gaps, build resiliency, and at times, replace lost skills or talents. The Nomination Committee may also determine a Board Member must be removed from their role, recommending such action to the Board. 

    The Nomination Committee is composed of the VP, Dave Slagle, and Mike Mucker.

  • Trail Love Corps Committee

    Mike Mucker, chair

    The Trails Committee is tasked with maintenance and upkeep of the publicly accessible trails within SDMB’s geographic scope. It is chaired by either the Trails Love Corp chair depending on the season, and can have very different goals depending on the season. The Trails Committee is composed of training and coordinating persons as well as the Trail Stewards. 

    The Trails Committee meets monthly, the week prior to any Board Meeting, unless otherwise stated by the chair.

  • Development Committee

    Nat Gordon, chair

    The Development Committee is ultimately responsible for all revenue raised for SWMMBA. Chaired by the Development Director, this committee oversees all Events, Fundraising, Grant Applications, Memberships, and Individual/Organizational Contributions. The Development Committee is composed of subject matter experts and volunteers. 

    The Development Committee meets monthly, the week prior to any Board Meeting, unless otherwise stated by the chair.

  • Advocacy Committee

    Kent Loganbill, chair

    The Advocacy Committee is chaired by the Advocacy Committee chair and oversees the Be Cool Campaign and gives leadership to other MTB advocacy initiatives. Members of this committee are dedicated to improving public relations with land managers and the public through positive role-modeling and advocacy efforts to protect and expand trail access, including working with the Network for Arizona Trails on statewide legislative initiatives.

  • Events Committee

    Dave Slagle, chair

    The Events Committee is chaired by the Events Committee Chair and is tasked with planning and conducting social events like ongoing fundraisers, social rides, beginner bike skills clinics, Thirsty Thursday fundraisers, the annual Poker Ride, campouts, movie nights, and other events.  Maintains volunteer hours database related to events.  Tracks costs and revenues associated with events.

  • Outreach, Diversity & Inclusion Committee

    Ruth Cañamar, chair

    The Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion Committee focuses on ways to ensure that SDMB is representative of the larger community in which we are located. In addition, this committee looks at ways to connect with underserved communities and engage them in mountain biking. Diversity looks broadly at ways to diversify our membership--age, race, religion, gender, identity, disability, etc.  

    Members include Leif Abrell and Jenny Quijada.

  • Membership Committee

    Paul Daniels, chair

    Responsible for recruitment and maintenance of SDMB’s dues-paying members.  Coordinates membership drives, distribution of member incentives, and communicates with supporting businesses to develop member benefits and perks.

    Questions about your membership? Email us here.

  • Data Management Committee

    Mike Madigan, chair

    Responsible for improving our data management systems, including Bike Ambassador reports, email listserves, and membership.

    Questions about your membership? Email us here.

  • 100-Acre Wood Bike Park Construction & Operations Committee

    The Construction and Operations (C&O) Committee oversees the coordination of construction, operation, and eventual maintenance for the bike park. This is achieved through coordinating delivery and installation of park construction materials, inspecting and maintaining all bike-specific infrastructure, coordinating volunteer work days as needed, and developing a bike park operations manual. Additional committee objectives include coordinating with local non-profits and user groups to facilitate sustainable practices (ecosystem restoration, water harvesting) on-site and promoting accessible use of the facility by underserved groups in the greater Tucson community.

    For more information on 100-Acre Wood Bike Park click here.

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